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Anthony Beeler, Pool Instructor Of The Decade From 2010-2020

Monday, October 19, 2020 -- is where Anthony Beeler has virtual pool

lessons; these can also be accompanied by individual, one-on-one, in person training. Beeler

has several books out that supplement and add to his personal and virtual training. Beeler has

trained many champions and a few pros. He recently had a top ten WPBA female player sign up

for his personal course, combined with his virtual course, for the premiere curriculum on pool

mechanics, the mental game, cue english, shot selection, etcetera. Beeler also trains others to

provide lessons to players. All around, Beeler is a billiards aficionados teacher, and has been

doing it for the last ten years solid. That is why he is the SPM Instructor of the Decade for


Beeler has been an educator since 1999, at the age of 23, holds two master's degrees, writes

billiards articles, teaches K-12, has won over 300 tournaments, has gone hill-hill with Shane

Van Boening, is sponsored by McDermott cues, but his main aim has been to aid pool players

to improve their games exponentially over the competition, with his internet based instructional,

one on one feedback; he has players send in videos of their progress through his coursework,

as he analyzes their games, and tells them what to work on -- guiding them rapidly towards a

higher level of game than they could have achieved independent of his guidance.

But let's rewind a bit. Back in 2010 there was no -- Beeler was giving lessons

in person back then, and news of his instruction was spreading rapidly by word of mouth, as

people began to learn of this consummate pool instructor. Then in 2012 was

launched, and business has been growing ever since. But before that, so much of Beeler's

traditional teaching experience in our nation's (USA) school system had also given him an edge

on any would-be pool Instructor -- he had been doing this teaching gig professionally since age

23. He had worked with virtual training prior to all this virtual billiards instruction -- working side

by side with some of the top virtual educators in the country. He had put his time in long before ever was a thought in his mind. He knew how to run a professional virtual

classroom well before his site was ever launched. His entire resume reads of an educator on

every level, a complete teacher through and through.

Some of Beeler's students include: VNEA World Champion, Team USA (Atlantic Cup) player, 4

BCA National Champions, 4 APA Regional Champions, 3 State Champions, Memphis Open

Champion, Great Southern Billiards Tour Champion, VNEA Junior Champion, WPBA Hall of

Famer, and Me personally, ranked a 93 in 8 ball NAPA, and 7 in APA eight and 9 ball.

Beeler gets results. My personal game improved as an APA 7, and I thought I had become as

good a player as I would ever be prior to his training. Now, I realize there are many levels above

an APA 7. I don't know what my 9 ball ranking would be now, because I only played a handful of

games in recent years, APA 9 ball -- not nearly enough to establish a legitimate ranking. But I

was a strong 7 in nine way back in 2000, therefore I should be a strong 8 or 9 at this time by my

reckoning. I digress, however; enough about me. Just to provide my own personal testimony,

and experience to the fact that Beeler can help any player at any level improve their personal

game. And that is what the game is to me, a quest for personal perfection with a cue stick, cue

ball, and object balls.

Beeler is the primary contributor, having written much of the 'National Billiard Instructor's

Manual'. That is to say, when you author the instructor's manual, that shows another level of

understanding and commitment to the game. He is at the apex of instructor's in billiards circles,

well respected, walks it like he talks it, immersed in billiards, steeped with a plethora of pool

prowess for players to pontificate upon. And again, he not only teaches other players how to

play better -- he also teaches other teachers of pool players. Not only a pool teacher, but a pool

teacher's teacher.

What I believe makes Beeler the Instructor of the decade is his innovative approach with, combined with his writer's mind to articulate the game, his stroke mechanics

to break down the game, his teaching other teachers of the game, his contributions to source

materials in the game, all the articles he writes, the classical educator's training and work

experience he commands, and the championships and accolades he has personally won and

achieved. With Beeler as your billiards instructor, you have the whole package and more.

To read more about Beeler, check the links below:


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1 Comment

Paul Hopkins
Oct 21, 2020

Excellent choice for an excellent instructor. Anthony Beeler is a very valuable person in the world if pocket billiards. 👍

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