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SPM TV Interviews Reed Merschat & Colby Frontiero Founders of the Salotto App.

Check out SPM TVs latest interview with Reed Merschat and Colby Frontiero the founders of the Salotto app! Colby and Reed found that there were gaps in the pool players area and wanted to fill a need to help players aid their game and Fargo rating by legitimizing the small business or home playing area. Salotto's main goal is to provide a tool to help and empower the small league operators or home players by being able to verify and legitimize their game. Colby and Reed have a big announcement! Check it out here!

A little about Salotto:

Salotto is a mobile app that allows pool players to find and host games of pool any place where a pool table is present. This can be at a business or in your own home. Salotto allows members to keep track of stats, win prizes, compete against pool players at their skill level or beyond.

Colby Frontiero SALOTTO CO-FOUNDER It was a late Tuesday night in co-founder Reed Merschat’s basement leaning over the table for a post-league 8 Ball session. In mid stroke, Frontiero said: “What if there was a better way to find a game of pool, like an app to connect players and keep stats?”. The concept of Salotto was born late that night in January 2018. Immensely dedicated to performance, perseverance and an American Ninja Warrior top 10 finalist, Frontiero fanned the flame of Salotto until it became a reality. A competitive pool player, world class climber, expert cyclist, educator, fund-raiser and unbridled dream chaser, Frontiero is a component for success. Reed Merschat SALOTTO CO-FOUNDER “I want to be an inventor” are the words Reed spoke when he was little. Since then, Reed has done just that. He is known for his ability to universally create and bring ideas to life. From shooting, editing and producing his own films (with actual film) in the ‘90’s that gained a cult following and inspired the world’s top mountain bike trials athletes, to being a rally car driver, to unearthing the perfect line on a dirt bike trail, Reed has a creative eye like nobody else. After playing league pool for years with this same creative eye, Reed recognized a need for a new way to find players and meet new competition. It was on his 1890 Brunswick Balke Collender table after a night of league play that the idea for Salotto first saw the light of day. Reed’s ability to see things differently and solve any challenge is an unmatched key component of our team.

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