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SPM TV: Patrick Nicks of ChalkBox Productions Talking with Mark White

Patrick Nicks owns ChalkBox Productions, a live-stream platform that Patrick developed a couple of years ago to showcase billiards in the Pacific Northwest. Patrick started a livestream out of his home to promote the sport in his area! Patrick has quite the set up in his home with a commentating booth and all the works to showcase the sport of Pool!

Watch on YouTube at

The livestream started with a few friends several years ago and has grown and expanded! Nicks talks about an upcoming event that will be pretty exciting! They will be doing a special on Army vs. Navy, and this year has gotten more prominent, with the Marines wanting to jump in! The reigning champion from 2022s Army vs Navy and the reigning champion was the Navy in 2022! Now, the Marines have jumped in and want to play in the 2023 Army vs Navy event! It will be an exciting event that you won't want to miss!

Army vs. Navy ChalkBox Productions

Anyone that is active or retired military is allowed to play! There will be team captains, and the games or format will be played with a 9-ball race to 15! Winner break with one on the spot! This will be a 2023 non-profit Veterans Day event! A great event for a great cause! Nicks likes to commentate on the matches from his home and has been playing pool his whole life! His full-time job is in Software sales, but he wishes he could play pool full-time! Eightball is Patrick Nicks's favorite Game, and Shane Van Boening is his favorite player! Diamond tables are his favorite table to play on, and he plays with Taom Chalk and loves Ox Billiards! It was a great interview as Mark White and Patrick Nicks discussed the players in the Mosconi Cup. Patrick Nicks gives his Prediction of 11-8 USA, and Mark White gives his of 11-9 Europe! They also discuss how technology and livestreaming help to promote and grow the sport. They also discuss the WPA and Matchroom and then move on to pool, the Olympics, and Scotch Doubles! It was just a great interview discussing the issues in the spirit of billiards!

ChalkBox Productions

The links for ChalkBox Productions are Facebook

The big event that is coming up is the Army vs. Navy on November 11th; you can watch the event on their channels above! The sponsors for the ARMY vs NAVY are OX Billiards

JamUp Apparel

Moonlighting Billiards

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