Tyler ‘Airborne’ Styer
The 2018 Mosconi Cup, held this year in London, England in the Alexandra Palace December 4th through the 7th, was a clash of the Titans billiards battle for the ages — USA winning it ultimately 11-9 — team Europe making a comeback the final day from a 9-6 deficit.
Woodward won the first match that final day vs former world number one, Albin Ouschan, and SVB (Shane Van Boening) came through against Alexander Kazakis of Greece, the combination US-duo proving to be the final knock-out punch to team Europe.
But so much happened leading up to that, and team USA came through strong the first three days, coming from down 2-0 that first day, with rookie Mosconi player Tyler Styer coming on strong for the win against Niels Feijen — four-time Mosconi team MVP; Styer played some clutch jump shots to run out, winning out 5-3, to give team USA some momentum, and a chance to win day one, which they would go on to do 3-2.
For the first three consecutive days the USA came out on Top 3-2 against team Europe, leaving the score at 9-6 at the start of the final day.
“I actually appreciate the crowd. Without them, we wouldn’t be here,” Styer said in response to a Q&A after his win against Feijen that first day. (What a cool character in his debut at the Cup.)
The crowd was electric, Styer was instrumental in helping team USA win three points to the good that first outing, and showing the grit and determination of a US team hungry for victory.
“I never felt so much pressure in my life! (Laughs). All these years…all these years we’ve been struggling, but we finally won, and I’m so proud of these guys… I gotta say thank you to the fans. This is unbelievable,” Shane Van Boening says in the interview at the end, of his one-nine combo shot to win the match and take the cup, and addressing the crowd in attendance and their enthusiasm for the event.
The audience was a loud, raucous and rowdy — but obvious billiard lovers one and all — however, their vocal-volumed, bombastic support for team Europe could unnerve anyone. Much less a rookie to the event, and Alex Kazakis, rookie for team Europe. They felt the pressure, playing with heart, but falling a little short to the might and will of SVB in that final collision of nine-ball prowess.
Like gladiators of old, these champions represent team USA and world-wide pool on the grandest stage, the Mosconi Cup — their deeds here on Earth reverberate throughout the halls in the history of billiards eternal. This is where great champions meet, and new ones introduced to the game, like Tyler Styer. I am set to do a Facebook live interview with the rookie sensation, new to the cup, and a key player in taking down the victory for team USA.
This is Styer’s story, how he got here, how he played, his key wins, and how history was made in a game steeped in history & legends of the fall…
Tyler Styer has a great game, but I love what he has to say here in a recent Facebook post following the Cup:
“USA WINS MOSCONI CUP 2018 IN ENGLAND! I want to thank my amazing family, friends and girlfriend for all the love and support. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks to the European players and fans for battling so hard and setting the bar so high for the last decade. Thanks to my sponsors: Gil Leathergoods Castillo, Atlas Billiards Supply, and Taom Tips! And to my event sponsors: American Poolplayers Association (APA), and Predator Cues! Emily Frazer and team, you guys are unbelievable. The amount of work you put in really shows when the cameras are rolling. And good work in the gym!
Johan Ruysink, you are absolutely incredible my man. The things you do and strings you pull behind the scenes are unreal. You made us a team and got everyone in dead stroke. I can’t wait to work with you in the future.
Jeremy Jones, I learned so much from you in the last 6 months. Thank you for all of your time and efforts to give us the best chance to win! Amazing skills in the kitchen!
Shane Van Boening, what can I say… you’re the king, man! I’ve learned so much off the table from you in the last few years. Thank you for everything. I will remember your last shot for the rest of my life.
Corey Deuel, the Principal, lol. We had a lot of great talks in the last 6 months. I learned a lot from you. Thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me as much as you can. You’re playing great!
Sky Woodward, Great shooting this week country boy and well deserved on your MVP Award. You kept the team laughing and in good spirits every day! I went nuts in the practice room when you jumped that ball in btw!
Billy Thorpe, I feel like we are never going to lose when we play doubles together. Your energy and drive to win is like nobody else. Great bank on that 7!!! We did it boys!!!! The USA hadn’t won the Mosconi Cup in 8 years and it’s been 14 years since we’ve won in Europe!!! It was an amazing ride, and can’t wait for next year! Let’s get back to work!” — Styer, from a Facebook post, Wednesday, December 12th, 2018.
{Styer may be upset with me at present about me doubting the CTE (center to edge) aiming system, but hopefully this positive article I did on him here will make up for that. My fault sir. CTE is a good system I’m sure.}
Editor: Chris Freeman
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