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Consistency & Pre-Shot Routine in Pool: Multi-tasking. ~ Max Eberle

Going through the elements of your pre-shot routine in pool does not have to look like Step One then Step Two then Step Three then Step Four.

It could be more like take care of Step One and Step Two while setting up for Three and Four, then handle Five while maintaining and solidifying the previous steps.

So while you plan your shot (pre-pre-shot) you could be getting a feel of your grip and chalking the cue. Then as you get your foot set up on the stroking line, you could be getting your bridge ready.

As you step into the shot, you could solidify the bridge onto the table that was already pre-prepared, and so making it solid is that much easier.

Each element of your pre-shot routine should be given thought and practice, and mastered. They will become as notes in a composers piece, and the composer is you. Add your own style to the way you get into the shot, add your own flair to the way you do things.

Or look boring, it’s up to you as long as you start to get the job done on the pool table with consistency.

Think of the stroking line as the melody, and all the elements of your pre-shot routine are the notes within that melody. Hit your notes cleanly and you can make music on the pool table. Play out of tune or just make noise, and you may be forced to listen to your opponents music more than you’d like.

The challenge and choice is yours.

Set all of this up out of your creative mind. Know how good you want to be and take the steps to find the mastery you will need. Let the wins come out of your excellence and the visions of yourself winning that you can create in your mind. The more you can imagine yourself as a winning player, the more your automatic success mode will take over and demonstrate the form that you have developed in practice when you need it in competition.

Every ounce of effort you put into becoming a consistent player will pay off in a winning percentage, and the game becomes more fun when you feel like you can handle any shot, most or all of the time.

Blog originally posted here.

Max Eberle is a Dover, Ohio born professional pool player, instructor, author, and artist, currently residing in Las Vegas, Nevada. Max is the 2013 Derby City Classic 14.1 Champion and twice a Bronze Medalist at the World 14.1 Tournament, 2014 & 2006. He is a 4 time West Coast 9-Ball Champion and 3-Time National 8-Ball Champion (1991 Junior Champ and 93 & 94 National Collegiate Champ). At the 2013 Derby City Classic 14.1 Division on the 10-Foot (Bigfoot) Tables at the Horseshoe Casino outside of Louisville, KY, Max consecutively defeated three world champions (Alex Pagulayan, Niels Feijen & Dennis Orcullo) and a world class field of 48 world champions and top ranked pros to win the coveted title. Check out his tips and videos and his website.

Photo: David Lawson/Flickr Editor: Dana Gornall
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