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Meet The SPM Team. ~ Garret Troop

We are all coming together under the Sneaky Pete Mafia umbrella. What follows is an introduction to the core team. We all have a role to play, and there are many things each of us does that are not listed here (an unbelievable amount goes on behind the scenes) but are still very important to the balancing of the wheel that’s been built over the past few years.

These are my spokes, and Sneaky Pete Mafia is the hub that we hope will become a driving force in the billiards world. No part is is greater than the whole — or any other part, for that matter. Every single member of this team has proven that they have both the talent and the desire to help SPM do great things.

I’ve picked each of my team members with an eye to build the strength of SPM’s core. This has been my dream for years now, and I think I’ve finally found the right group of people to make it work. They’ve become indispensable and, while they are all independent and creative thinkers, they are very good about working under my direction and honoring my vision for the company.

Jason McKee

jason mckee

Jason is our Web Master. He is in charge of implementing any and all changes and updates to the Sneaky Pete Mafia website. He is a newer member to the team (he joined us last year) but has proven himself in many ways as a dedicated contractor. He takes all the input and suggested changes to anything related to the website — passes it by me, if needed — and puts it into action.

Eli Ceballos

eli caballos

Eli has been with the team for years, and always comes through with whatever is requested of him. He is my personal consultant, and I trust his judgement. We see eye to eye on many levels, and we have the same visions for the growth of the industry. Eli is wonderful, and consistently impressive in his graphic designing and photography. He has been the only graphic designer that I trust with the images that we have seen since day one. He will be doing the graphics for the magazine and the website in any and all ways.

Zach Goldsmith

zach goldsmith

Zach is our Web Host, and has been with SPM since the beginning. He is the “back end” of everything. Zach covers all the technical stuff that goes on behind the scenes. Zach is a streamer, and is always able to help at any time of the day or night.

Christina Rios

christina rios

Christina is our Administrative Assistant and takes care of all of the books and the completion of sales of PoolPulse. She is one of the newest members of the team, but is always happy to help. Christina will also be aiding in sales, and completion of all steps involved in that.

Hannah Blue

hannah blue

Hannah is our acting Managing Editor, and is very excited to be working with us. Hannah brings a fun personality to the team, and is always happy to help in anything that we do. She receives the raw articles, then edits them and puts them into the blog that is updated several times a week. Her work also involves coordinating with both the authors and the graphic design team who puts the magazine together. As the magazine and blog grow into a bigger format, her position will grow along with it.

Rosanna Ramirez

rosanna ramirez

Rosanna is our graphic designer that will be working side by side with Eli to create and produce the SPM Magazine. She has been with SPM since our very first issue of the magazine, and couldn’t be more appreciated. We are in a constant state of evolution, and I am happy to be working with her. After Hannah gets the articles edited and put in to the blog, Rosanna then gets a list of those that will be going in the magazine. Rosanna formats the magazines for both the printed and digital versions, and Eli adds his extra spice and flair. She has been with the us longer than any other member of the team, and is highly valued.

Garret Troop

garret troop

I, Garret Troop, am the Ceo and Brain child of Sneaky Pete Mafia. I have a lot of really big goals here, but believe wholeheartedly in all of them. I believe in changing the the way pool is perceived by the world. I consider myself to be the person that will make dream become a reality.Things are moving fast, and I want to be on the ever-competitive edge of all that we hold precious.

Facebook Group Administration

We have many admins on the Facebook group. SPM is a growing community, one that I cannot possibly manage myself. They help keep the “bad apples” from spoiling the entire orchard, and the they all add their own great attributes.

Garret Troop is the owner and CEO of Sneaky Pete Mafia. He created this community as a way to being together people that have a love of billiards. He has never had a passion for anything like he has for Sneaky Pete Mafia. He hopes to bring together a group of people that and create a family of those that share his passion. Photos: Flickr/Ken Teegardin (featured.) Bio photos provided by pictured. Editor: Hannah Blue

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